Meet the Coach
Train With The Fitness Professional Who Hasn't Always Been Fit

My name is Kellie Cowles. I am a Health and Fitness Coach.
“I believe in your ability to achieve your dreams. I know down to my toes that together we can build a reality for you that today may appear completely unattainable. If you are willing to do the work necessary, the changes will come. It may not be easy and sometimes you may even want to quit. If you see it through, no matter how slow the process, you can achieve amazing results.” -Coach Kellie Cowles

Coaching Education
- Certified Personal Trainer – NASM
- Weight Loss Specialist – NASM
- Fitness Nutrition Specialist – NASM
- Level 4 Certification – Alexander Method of SMR
- Program Design – Level 1 Coach Cert Program – OPEX
- Assessment – Level 1 Coach Cert Program – OPEX
- Life Coaching – Level 1 Coach Cert Program – OPEX
- Business Systems – Level 1 Coach Program – OPEX
- Club Coach and Masters Cert – USAWeightlifting
- Level 1 Certification – CrossFit
- Olympic Lifting Certification – CrossFit
- Endurance Certification – CrossFit
- Nutrition Certification – CrossFit
- Rowing Instructors Course – Concept 2
- Wilderness First Aid Course - WFAC.Org
- Wilderness Travel Course - Sierra Club
- Canyoneering Levels I, II, III Courses – ATS
- Bachelors of Science Degree – UOP
A Personal Touch
- Favorite Fitness Exercise: Push-ups
- Least Favorite Fitness Exercise: Push-ups
- Workout Music of choice: 80's Alternative & occasionally country
- Favorite Cheat Food: Gluten-free, chocolate chip Pazookie w/mocha ice cream!
Athletic Highlights
In 2003, Kellie chose to live a life of sobriety and in 2006, quit smoking. To stay off the nicotine, she signed up for the 2007 AIDS Ride and hired a fitness coach to help prepare. It was a huge goal! Before 2006, Kellie loathed gyms, exercise and mirrors. She had no fitness to speak of and while she may have looked okay in clothes, she was actually “skinny fat," which means all fat and no muscle. Suffice to say, each and every one of her athletic highlights and all the races in between have been completely contrary to her nature and earned the hard way.
- 2016 onward... BACKPACKING!
- 2015 Mount Whitney Summit Day Hike
- 2015 National Masters Weightlifting Comp (Gold Medalist)
- 2014 Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim Hike
- 2013 GoRuck Tough Endurance Challenge
- 2012 Mt. Baldy Run to the Top
- 2012 Mt. Wilson Trail Race
- 2011 Pan American Masters Weightlifting Comp (Gold Medalist)
- 2011 American Masters Weightlifting Comp (Gold Medalist)
- 2010 National Masters Weightlifting Comp (Gold Medalist)
- 2009 High Desert 50k Trail Race
- 2009 Golden Hills Marathon
- 2009 Mt. Wilson Trail Race
- 2007 AIDS Ride – Cycling 575 miles from SF to LA
- 2006 forward... Mud Runs, Ragnar Relays, 5k’s, 10k’s, Half's and 25k’s